David Maison

Hot House

...Beckett and Ionesco. We find the same refusal of any form of compromise, and contempt for ideological lecturing. We also encounter a shared musicality in the conception of the dialogues...
Jérémie Le Louët

Le Horla (reading)

...is this Horla, this “hors-là”, this creature from “beyond the beyond”? The Horla, a tale of the fantastic, written in the best tradition of other luminaries of French literature such...
Jérémie Le Louët & Noémie Guedj

Pinocchio (reading)

...poem.” Italo Calvino Though the story is best known for its Disney version, The Adventures of Pinocchio was an Italian novel dating back to the end of the 19th century,...
Dominique Massat & Jérémie Le Louët

Richard III

“A language exists which is capable of hoodwinking the Devil himself.” Charles Lamb He uses all the artifices of theatre: seduction, manipulation, composition, and imprecation, and turns his ascension and...
Blandine Vieillot

Blandine Vieillot

After obtaining BTS Design d’Espace diploma at ENSAAMA, Blandine Vieillot entered ENSATT, in the scenography option. During her studies, she worked with Christian Schiaretti, Olivier Maurin, Kristian Von Treskow and...
Dominique Massat

Dominique Massat

After training at Studio 34, Dominique Massat entered the ‘classe libre’ section at Cours Florent, notably under the supervision of Michel Fau and Jean-Michel Rabeux, She then began working in...
Jérémie Le Louët

Jérémie Le Louët

...component of the company. Originally from the Hauts-de-Seine, he grew up in the Quartier des Fossés Jean in Colombes (92). Cinephile since his youngest age, he’s also passionate about sport....
Bénédicte Six

Bénédicte six

...Bénédicte then worked as diffusion, production and pommunication Manager for the baroque Ensemble Amarillis, before joining the Dramaticules company in July 2023 as production officer. Within the company, Bénédicte is...
Julien Buchy & Jérémie Le Louët

Julien Buchy

After training with Michel Fau and Stéphane Auvray-Nauroy at Cours Florent, he was directed by Séverine Chavrier in Chat en poche by Feydeau at Théâtre du Nord Ouest, in Paris,...

La Communauté d’agglomération Seine Essonne (91)

...merged with the Communautés d’agglomération d’Évry Centre Essonne, Sénart and Sénart en Essonne in addition to the commune of Grigny, thereby giving rise to the Communauté d’agglomération Grand Paris Sud....