Jonathan Frajenberg, Jérémie Le Louët & Dominique Massat

L’Ubu roi des Dramaticules

“New people will come along, youngsters, and finding us rather stale and old-hat, will compose ballads, to our undying horror. And there is no reason why this should come to...

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...NAF : 9001Z Licence 2 : L-R-20-4065 General Manager Noémie Guedj Web developer information Designed and developed by A Work of Substance agency Web host information OVHCloud Website content...
Pierre-Antoine Billon, Jonathan Frajenberg & Anthony Courret


...they have not experienced. How do we take action? In what aim or form? Should we get rid of everything, hold it in high esteem or sit there and wait,...

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...information technology and personal freedom (Loi Informatique et Libertés from 6th January 1978, modified by the law passed on 20th June 2018, and its application via decree on 29th May...
Pierre-Antoine Billon, Dominique Massat, Jérémie Le Louët, Anthony Courret, Jonathan Frajenberg et Julien Buchy

La Montagne cachée

...demonstrate the existence of a mountain which is higher than all the other peaks in the world, and which constitutes a passage between the land of the living and the...
Pierre-Antoine Billon, Julien Buchy & Jérémie Le Louët

Affabulations !

...of habits of actors and questions our expectations as spectators. A veritable manifesto for a theatre of actors, The play highlights the inextricable difficulty of being authentic under the fire...

Once upon a time… at home!

...up with the idea behind the Once upon a time… at home! programme. From March 2021 onwards, Dramaticules set off in search of the most vulnerable members of the community...


...a common thread running throughout the work of Dramaticules, and which renders it committed, volcanic and wholly present to its surrounding reality. Whether we are dealing with tragedy or the...

Le Théâtre de Gascogne, Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national de Mont-de-Marsan (40)

...the Dramaticules to become associate artists to the theater’s project. As a coproductor, The Théâtre de Gascogne will host in December the new creation of the company, La Montagne cachée....
David Maison, Jérémie Le Louët, Anthony Courret, Julien Buchy & Noémie Guedj

Affreux, bêtes et pédants

...short, an unholy array of monsters. Preconceived notions, ideas and places held in common, and downright stupidity are the basis for this hard-hitting, unbiased fresco of our tumultuous profession. This...